San Luis Obispo Daybreak

   California, USA

This year we have been invited by District Governor Ramon Medellin of District 4160 to visit his district and clubs following their District Conference in beautiful San Miguel de Allende, GTO. The dates of the Conference are April 29-30, which we are also invited to (information and cost will be available soon), with the Safari planned from Sunday the 1st and returning home on the 4th of May.
The Safari is sponsored by the Rotary clubs of District 4160. They will home host you (with hotels as an option at your expense), feed you and introduce you to their members and families. You will be able to see their local attractions and points of interests, community projects, and possibly do some hands-on projects while there. The objective of the Safari is to share the Rotary experience, create partnerships and lifetime friendships with these clubs.
For more information, please contact Past District Governor, Wade Nomura, at