San Luis Obispo Daybreak

   California, USA

Posted on Aug 26, 2023
Thank you to all who came out to support our annual fundraiser - Rotarians, friends, the community members! We sold out and all proceeds will go to benefit local nonprofit organizations and K-12 teacher grants as well as graduating high school student scholarships. Thank you as well to KSBY for bringing attention to the event. 
Thank you to our AMAZING sponsors this year: Paul’s Concrete Pumping, Mustang Private Wealth, Morris and Garritano Insurance, Obispo Wealth Management, The Ritual, Awesome Chris Waterbury, SLO Safe Ride, Key Termite & Pest Control, Covelop, and American Riviera Bank. And of course our AMAZING host, Lamplighter Inn & Suites (1604 Monterey St.). We couldn’t do it without all of you! @rotarydistrict5240 @mustangprivatewealth @morrisgarritano @theritual805 @slosaferide @keytermiteandpestcontrol @patdarnold @americanrivierabank @lamplighterinn